I don’t really split my workout across the week by push, pull, leg, or upper and lower body split. First of all I should state what works for me might not be the best for you, and you will need to experiment to find out. Second of all my goal is not hypertrophy but strength. Gains are only by-products.
Like many gym newbiews, I was first introduced to the “Push-Pull-Leg” Split. It sounds like a solid workout plan because it hits all muscle groups at least twice a week. It may work well for you for a good while, especially if you have just started, but soon you will hit the wall (at least I did).
So this is what I do:
For each session, I focus on 1-2 compound exercises that target different muscle groups with maximum effort, or 1 compound and 1 calisthentics exercise.
Compound exercises are bench press, overhead press, squat, hip thrust, deadlift, weighted pull-ups and weighted dips.
If you maxed out on squat as the first exercise, you should not be able to lift a 100% for leg press. Therefore, it would be far more efficient in my opinion to then push hard for an upper body exercise and then finish off with arms or abs or even stretching if you have time.
It works so well for me because the big muscle groups do not get overworked so I can almost push close to my limit every time. Yes it may sacrifice gains but you get stronger quicker, which helps you getting bigger ultimately.
Currently my body weight is around 70kg. My PR for bench is 100kg x 3, squat 130kg x 2, weighted pull-ups 20kg x 6, weighted dips 45kg x 5, deadlift 140kg x 2 (weakest lift due to back issue), hip thrust 160kg x 5, overhead press 60kg x 5.
For calisthenics, I can do 5 muscle-ups with decent form (no kipping), back lever for 15-20 seconds, front lever straddle for 8-10 seconds, 1 handstand push-up, 5-10 seconds handstand hold, 2-3 ring muscle-ups.